Should you go with your city’s trash collection or hire a private trash removal company to service your trash? It’s a debate that has been going on since trash removal became a thing. In this article, we will present some of the research that has been done that shows the benefits of private trash removal.
A study from the National Solid Waste Management Association (NSWM) shows that privatized waste services can reduce financial risks for budget-strapped municipalities and are safer and more environmentally protective than those provided by the public sector.
The study indicates that privatizing waste offers many benefits to residents. It is expected to encourage more significant innovations and efficiency by minimizing environmental consequences and saving money.
Here are some of its findings:
According to the Reason Foundation, a competitive delivery system for solid waste services can cut costs by 20 to 40 percent. These savings are passed onto the consumer and results in more efficient routes.
Due to economies of scale, private firms can spread investment and environmental protection costs across multiple contracts and facilities. This results in the best service for their clientele, greater efficiency, cost savings, and research into the industry. With our landfills becoming crowded and more trash being produced year after year, this is necessary for the environment.
Not to mention, they don’t have to deal with government bureaucracies. In many cases, history shows how inefficient the government is when it comes to organizing anything for the public. The DMV, for example leaves little power for the consumer and the quality of customer care has much to be desired. When private insurance agencies take over and deal with the DMV for the consumer the end result is seemingly perfect!
Privatized waste collection protects recycling rates. The two cities with the highest recycling levels – San Francisco and Seattle – have fully privatized recycling. The reason for this is that private recyclers can manage risks better than government-provided cleaners.
Innovations that have resulted in doubled recycling rates in America in the last two decades are also created by the private sector, such as single-stream recycling. Putting the power of recycling with the consumer, with the help of a private company is a win-win.
Moreover, worker injuries in the solid waste management industry are four times greater in local governments’ hands than in the private sector.
Other than these documented advantages of private solid waste management, the study discusses how cities can privatize their garbage collection, disposal, and recycling systems while ensuring environmental protection, all while maintaining employment.
These are some of the benefits of using a private trash collection service. It saves money, increases efficiency, and protects the environment all at the same time.
We at Troupe take pride in our residential and commercial garbage pick-up.
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